SUB_20 to SUB_20 through SPI interface transfer issue

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SUB_20 to SUB_20 through SPI interface transfer issue

Post by alexander »

I'm trying to transfer one Byte data from SUB_20 Master to SUB_20 Slave through SPI interface.
I plugged it in the next way: ... 8.jpg?dl=0
The master sends a number (1-to 255 ) to slave each cycle. The number is increased by one at end of each cycle. The slave receives a number and sends it back to a master.
I.e it must be in this way:
Cycle 0: _MASTER: writing to slave 0 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 0 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 0 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 0
Cycle 1: _MASTER: writing to slave 1 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 1 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 1 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 1
Cycle 2: _MASTER: writing to slave 2 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 2 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 2 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 2

The one direction (master to slave) transfer is perfect. BUT an issue is in the second direction.
Three first cycles a master receives back form slave a number 0. On fourth cycle a master receives back form slave a number 1, and after it continues to receive the numbers with "skip" of 3 numbers, i.e.:

Cycle 0: _MASTER: writing to slave 0 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 0 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 0 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 0
Cycle 1: _MASTER: writing to slave 1 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 1 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 1 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 0
Cycle 2: _MASTER: writing to slave 2 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 2 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 2 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 0
Cycle 3: _MASTER: writing to slave 3 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 3 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 3 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 0
Cycle 4: _MASTER: writing to slave 4 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 4 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 4 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 1
Cycle 5: _MASTER: writing to slave 5 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 5 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 5 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 2
Cycle 6: _MASTER: writing to slave 6 ----> _SLAVE: reading from master 6 ----> _SLAVE: writing to master 6 ----> _MASTER: reading from input buffer 3

The sources of my code for master and slave are attached to the post.

Please help me to solve the problem.

Thank you in advance.
The sources of my code for master and slave
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Re: SUB_20 to SUB_20 through SPI interface transfer issue

Post by serg »

Hello Alexander,

Sorry for the delay in reply, for some reason I didn't get an email notification to your post.
A while ago, one of our customers Ravi MK had prepared a C test application which uses two SUB-20 boards to establish an SPI communication between them. Could you please try this application on your setup and let me know how it goes.

Code: Select all

 * 	sub20_spi_test.c
 *	Test application to test SPI device on SUB20 board
 * 	Created on: 27-Nov-2012
 *      Authors: Ravi MK, Vikram N
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "libsub.h"
#define SZ 1
#define SZ_MAX 25
#define TST_DATA "spi_test"
#define MSTR 0
#define SLAVE 1

int main(void)
  sub_device dev = 0;
  sub_handle hndl[2] = { 0 };
  int i = 0;
  int rc = 0;
  char rx_buf[SZ_MAX] = { 0 };
  char tx_buf[] = TST_DATA;
  char tmp_buf[SZ_MAX] = { 0 };

  /** scan for sub20 devices attached and open each device */
  while((dev = sub_find_devices(dev)) && (i < 2))
    printf("Found a %d sub20 device\n", i + 1);
    hndl[i] = sub_open(dev);
      printf("Opening of %d sub20 device failed errno: %d\n", i + 1, sub_errno);

  if(i != 2)
    printf("Please connect two sub20 boards and start test\n");

  /** Configure the second SPI device as Master */
  rc = sub_spi_config(hndl[MSTR], SPI_ENABLE | SPI_CPOL_RISE | SPI_MSB_FIRST
      | SPI_CLK_125KHZ | SPI_SMPL_SETUP, 0);
  if(rc != 0)
    printf("SPI master configuration failed errno: %d\n", sub_errno);
  printf("Sub20 configured for SPI master \n");

  /** Configure the first SPI device as slave */
  rc = sub_spi_config(hndl[SLAVE], SPI_ENABLE | SPI_SLAVE | SPI_CPOL_RISE
      | SPI_SMPL_SETUP, 0);
  if(rc != 0)
    printf("I2c slave configuration failed errno: %d\n", sub_errno);
  printf("Sub20 configured for SPI Slave \n");

  /** Configure FIFO of slave the devices */
  rc = sub_fifo_config(hndl[SLAVE], FIFO_SELECT_SPI | FIFO_CLEAR);
  if(rc != 0)
    printf("SPI FIFO configuration failed errno: %d\n", sub_errno);
  printf("SPI FIFOs configured\n");

  char slave_data[]="data written by slave";
  rc = sub_fifo_write(hndl[SLAVE],slave_data,(int)sizeof(slave_data) ,10000);
  if(rc < 0)
    printf("SPI FIFO write failed errno: %d\n", sub_errno);

  char master_receive[64];
  char slave_receive[64];

  /** Transfer 8 bytes from the master and receive from slave */
  char master_data[]="data written by master";
  rc = sub_spi_transfer(hndl[MSTR], master_data, master_receive, sizeof(master_data), SS_CONF(0, SS_LO));
  if(rc != 0)
    printf("data transfer to SPI slave failed errno %d \n", sub_errno);

  /** compare transmitted bytes */
  rc = sub_fifo_read(hndl[SLAVE],slave_receive,sizeof(slave_receive), 1000 );
  if(rc < 0)
      printf("SPI FIFO read failed errno: %d\n", sub_errno);

  /** compare received bytes */
  rc = strncmp(slave_data, master_receive, sizeof(slave_data));
  if(rc != 0)
    printf(" Received data on master is not equal to sent \n");
    printf(" SUB20 test failed\n");

  rc = strncmp(master_data, slave_receive, sizeof(slave_data));
  if(rc != 0)
    printf(" Received data on slave is not equal to sent \n");
    printf(" SUB20 test failed\n");

  printf(" Received data is equal to sent \n");
  printf(" SUB20 SPI test Passed\n");

  /** close sub20 SPI devices */
  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
  return 0;

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